Can You do Work Experience At The NHS?
Young people interested in a career in healthcare might like to complete their work experience at the NHS. The question is, can you do work experience at the NHS? What might that look like and how do you go about applying?
We cover the fundamentals on this page.
The Short Answer
It’s possible to do work experience at the NHS. You might not be doing the most glamorous roles, but you should be able to make it work if you get in touch with enough notice.
The Long Answer
It depends on your local trust and their capacity to let young people work on a voluntary basis. You may need to try once or twice before finding success. Don’t be surprised if some practices turn you down.
Our Advice
We recommend the following:
- Research your local healthcare institutions and collect their contact details.
- Outline your availability and what you’d be able to offer in your covering letter.
- Call up and talk on the phone where possible.
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