The Best Healthcare Jobs and Why They’re Great


The Best Healthcare Jobs and Why They’re Great

July 12, 2022

Wondering what the best healthcare jobs in the UK are? There are myriad factors to weigh up in this regard, but we explore a few excellent options below.


As a pharmacist, you’ll be liaising with patients, GPs, and other healthcare workers to deliver the advice and prescriptions they need to get back on track. You’ll need to complete a five-year, practice-based programme but will then be able to earn between 37 and £50,000 a year!

Nurse Anaesthetist

NHS nurse anaesthetists earn between 25 and £36,000 a year and the requisite qualifications and experience are comparatively low. Learn more here.


Not to be confused with an optician, optometrists look for abnormalities and screen for eye-related illnesses. An NHS position can earn between 37 and £50,000 depending on tenure and past experience.

Looking for Healthcare Jobs UK?

Want to work in one of the best healthcare jobs available in the UK? PlaceMe UK may be able to help! Get in touch today.

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